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Are your finances spinning out of control?  Does this sound like you? You are cash advancing one credit card to pay the other, interest rates, late fees, over the limit fees are sky high. Your phone is ringing off  the hook with harassing calls from creditors, mailbox is overflowing with bills and late fees, wages are being garnished, car is about to be repossessed and you feel helpless and hopeless. If so, we can help!  Debts can quickly become impossible to manage.
Which Bankruptcy is right for you?

Whatever YOUR reason is for your unmanageable debt, you need guidance and sound advice… you need us.  The first step in alleviating debt and stress is a phone call to us.

The Most Common Reasons for Bankruptcy

  • Out of control credit card debt
  • Inability to make mortgage payments
  • Medical bills
  • Medical disability
  • Death of a family member or spouse
  • Divorce
  • Natural Disasters…

What Happens When Bankruptcy is Filed?

​By Law…
  • Collection calls must STOP!
  • Foreclosure activities STOP!

  • Vehicle repossessions STOP! 

  • Wage garnishments STOP!


The most serious failure in the face of overwhelming debt is a failure to confront it bravely and honestly. Trying to ignore your debt problem is a far worse response, and can eventually result in true hardships, such as homelessness. Bankruptcy is a responsible solution that legally protects you from a lifetime of stress and worry over debt.


For most people, the idea of filing bankruptcy is seen with a negative stigma as dishonest or wrong.  But this couldn’t be further from the truth.  Honest people file bankruptcy to affirmatively deal with liabilities that have become too great to manage.


  • People don’t go out and buy a house with the intention of filing bankruptcy.

  • People don’t buy a car to file bankruptcy and give it back.

  • People don’t use credit cards with the intention of discharging them in bankruptcy.

  • Banks make their money off of the interest fees that they charge throughout the life of your credit card.  Most often, if you go back and look at all of the fees and interest that you have paid, they will be over the amount that you actually charged on the cards!


By filing bankruptcy the collection calls must stop by law, foreclosure activity comes to a halt, car repossessions must be stopped until the bankruptcy process is complete.While the bankruptcy case is pending, you will not receive harassing telephone calls and you are able to remain in your house or car.

Don’t feel bad for the banks!

The truth is that the law knows you cannot be a productive member of society when debt collectors are constantly hounding you to try to get paid.  In those situations where it seems like there is no way out, bankruptcy allows you to wipe the slate clean and move on with life.

Abeles & Karle, PLLC • 386-668-8511 • 5 W. Higbanks Rd. DeBary, FL 32713

Abeles & Karle, PLLC © 2023

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