As the Old Saying Goes…
“The only two sure things in life are death and taxes,” but it is shocking how often people do not leave a Last Will and Testament to deal with these certainties when they have passed. I prepare Last Wills, as well as Trusts, to provide direction as to how your property will be dealt with. Without your direction, in a legally-binding and valid form, Florida’s laws of intestacy control who and how your loved ones inherit your estate.
Particular Needs & Desires
Wills and Trusts can be simple or complex depending on your particular needs and desires. I can help you prepare your simple Last Will and Testament in a short office visit. My staff and I can also handle more complex situations and arrangements.

Estate Planning
Estate planning also includes Powers of Attorney documents to grant authority and power to deal with your affairs to a trusted agent during your lifetime. Finally, Living Wills and Healthcare Surrogate designations allow you to give specific instruction regarding how you wish to pass on.
Do not wait another day to prepare for this inevitable event. Contact me now to see how I can help give you and your family peace of mind for the future, today.